Table of Contents
Below we outline some of the most commonly used terms for procurement in Germany. #
Procedures #
- Offenes Verfahren: Open Procedure: A procurement process where any interested supplier may submit a bid. This process is fully open to all potential suppliers to encourage wide competition.
- Nichtoffenes Verfahren: Restricted Procedure: A two-stage process where suppliers first submit applications demonstrating their capacity. Only selected suppliers are then invited to submit tenders.
- Verhandlungsverfahren: Negotiated Procedure: A process where the contracting authority negotiates directly with one or more suppliers without a fully open competition. Used in specific circumstances.
- Wettbewerblicher Dialog: Competitive Dialogue: A procedure for complex contracts where the contracting authority discusses all aspects of the contract with suppliers before final bids are submitted.
- Rahmenvereinbarung: Framework Agreement: An agreement with one or more suppliers that sets out terms and conditions under which specific purchases (call-offs) can be made throughout the term of the agreement. Frameworks do not guarantee any volume of orders.
- Dynamisches Beschaffungssystem (DBS): Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS): An electronic procurement process for commonly used goods, works, or services. It remains open throughout its duration for new suppliers to join if they meet the specified criteria.
Key Documents #
- Bekanntmachung: Contract Notice: A public announcement inviting suppliers to express interest and bid for a contract. It includes essential details about the procurement, such as scope, eligibility criteria, deadlines, and submission procedures.
- Auftragsbekanntmachung: Contract Award Notice: A public announcement informing stakeholders of the successful supplier(s) chosen following a procurement process, along with key details of the awarded contract.
- Aufforderung zur Abgabe eines Angebots (Aufforderung zur Angebotsabgabe): Invitation to Tender (ITT): A document issued to shortlisted suppliers inviting them to submit detailed proposals or bids for a specific contract.
- Teilnahmewettbewerb: Call for Competition: A preliminary step inviting suppliers to express interest in a potential procurement project, often used to gauge market interest and capability.
- Leistungsbeschreibung: Specification Document: A document detailing the requirements, specifications, and conditions of the contract that suppliers must meet.
Key Roles #
- Auftraggeber: Buyer/Contracting Authority: The entity responsible for procuring goods, services, or works. This term can refer to individuals or departments within public sector organizations.
- Bieter: Bidder/Supplier: Any individual or organization that provides goods, services, or works in response to procurement opportunities.
- Vergabestelle: Procurement Office: The department or unit within a public authority responsible for managing the procurement process.
- Vergabeausschuss: Tender Committee: A group of individuals responsible for overseeing the procurement process and making key decisions, including the selection of suppliers.
- Bewertungsausschuss: Evaluation Panel: A group of individuals responsible for assessing and scoring tender submissions against the evaluation criteria set out in the tender documents.
Evaluation Procedures #
- Wirtschaftlichstes Angebot (MEAT): Most Economically Advantageous Tender: An evaluation method used to determine the best value for money by considering various criteria such as price, quality, technical merit, and sustainability.
- Zuschlagskriterien: Award Criteria: The specific factors and metrics against which tender submissions are assessed. These can include price, quality, delivery time, and after-sales service.
- Bewertungssystem: Evaluation System: A tool used to systematically score and compare tender submissions against the award criteria.
- Bewertungsmatrix: Evaluation Matrix: A document or tool used to record and compare the scores of different tender submissions.
- Klarstellungsfragen: Clarification Questions: Questions posed by the procurement team to suppliers during the evaluation process to clarify aspects of their tender submissions.
- Stillhaltefrist: Standstill Period: A mandatory pause period between the notification of the contract award decision and the signing of the contract, allowing unsuccessful suppliers to challenge the decision if necessary.
References #
- Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen (GWB): The legal framework governing public procurement in Germany.
- Vergabeverordnung (VgV): Regulation detailing the procedures and rules for public procurement in Germany.
- Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi): The federal ministry providing guidance and policies on public procurement.
This glossary provides a comprehensive overview of the key terms and procedures in the public procurement landscape in Germany, with English descriptions to facilitate understanding.