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Never miss an opportunity

Get exactly the right opportunities for your business every day.

We'll get you started right away.

The right data in the right place

Why we do set up calls

1. You get what you need

Getting the wrong data is worse than getting no data. Navigating government opportunities is hard and annoying and fiddly. We know how to find what you need, so we get you started on a set up call.

2. We speak government

Governments can use bizarre acronyms and language that make it harder to find what you’re looking for. Our team has been working with this data for over 20 years. We’ll get your searches just right.

3. It's not a sales call

We’ll ask you about your business and then set up your searches. That’s it, no hard sell, no pressure. We’re focussed on getting you the best opportunities for your business, so that you can start winning bids. 

The right data in the right place

What you get

The best insight into an $11tn market.

More data

  • 10k new opportunities a day
  • Global coverage
  • Tenders & contracts
  • 13 enhanced data fields
  • New sources added every month

Less cost

  • £5 a day for access to £11tn market
  • Unlimited users
  • Fully downloadable data
  • Save your searches
  • Daily email with your opportunities

Better search

  • AI categorisation for every record
  • Search on multiple features
  • Expert support on
  • Enhanced data, enhanced search
  • Every value in USD, EUR & GBP
Find and win new business

Plus all the features you expect
from a tender search service

Everything you need to the right tender opportunities.

Skilled analysts to help

Our team of researchers and analysts have worked on government research projects all around the world. Our team is here to help support your bids.

Email alerts

Being across every opportunity is easy with our regular email alerts, combined with our full search history, you can be confident that you’ll never miss an opportunity.

Tenders and contracts

Search for tenders, contracts and planning notices across the world. Search by keyword, category, buyer name, supplier name and more.

The Coverage You Need

What if I only want local opportunities?

No problem.
You can set up your search to default to your jurisdiction.
With low fees and great search we can help every business.

A circular shadow to emphasise another image
A circular shadow to emphasise another image
Widely used data

Thousands of companies use our data every day.

Our API already powers some great business opportunity sites.
You've probably already used our data without knowing it.

A small graphic of three, short radiating lines denoting emphasis
SAP Logo

Finding new tender opportunities around the world.

0 K +

Opportunities a day

Switzerland Global Enterprise Logo

Increasing export growth through opportunity data.

0 +

Individual sources

Cabinet Office Logo

Understanding compliance and hitting targets.

0 % +

Hit target of 90%

Our wall of love

What our customers say...

Our amazing customers share their thoughts.

A small graphic of three, short radiating lines denoting emphasis
Testimonial head shot - Tasin Rios

“It’s much simpler to use than going to each individual portal or compared to some competitors. The search tools and interface make it so much easier to find what I’m looking for. Means I can focus on actually bidding for the opportunities that matter.”

Testimonial head shot - Luke Treadwell

“The procurement landscape is increasingly fractured with so many procurement platforms to monitor. Open Opportunities makes searching for relevant tenders so much faster - what used to take hours more only takes a few minutes. Open Opportunities is a no brainer for us.”

Testimonial head shot - Josie Williams

“To find these global opportunities in the past I had to go from portal to portal with different searches. But Open Opportunities makes my life much easier by placing all these global opportunities in one place and the contract information makes forward planning much easier too.”

Testimonial head shot - Aran Bates

"We work in a specific niche and need keep on top of opportunities around the world as they happen. Open Opportunities is a tool designed exactly for this, it removes the time consuming research that would be required to keep on top of when those opportunities arise."

Testimonial head shot - Tim Mammatt

"Open Opportunities is a great tool. I can instantly see all the aerospace opportunities from government all in one place which is a real time saver . The UI is nice and easy to use and the daily email alerts keep me on top of the latest notices without even having to log in. Definitely recommended for any business".

Testimonial head shot - Mark Hamilton

"Open Opportunities has been instrumental in keeping me up to date with tender opportunities. The platform's user-friendly interface and comprehensive resources have significantly improved my search for new prospects. The alerts to inbox feature ensures I am aware of new leads before my morning coffee!"

Frequently Asked Questions

All the answers you're looking for

If you're new or looking for answers to your questions, this guide will help you learn more about our services and their features.

Yes! We've been collecting this data for over ten years, we know that there's opportunities for every business in our database.

Our coverage extends across all available federal sources worldwide and large numbers of local sources.

From Falkirk to Florida, from the Philippines to the Falkland Islands, our data is remarkably diverse. Feel free to get in touch with us to inquire about specific sources. If there's a source we're not currently covering, we are more than willing to collaborate with you to incorporate it.

Yes. We gather all of the records from every public source we find. So you'll find tenders, contracts and prior information notices. 

Great. You can set up your search to include only the data from the jurisdiction you want. All of your subsequent searches will be limited to your market.

Whenever you want to look further afield you can change an individual search or reset your default countries. 

With Open Opportunities you're in control. We're here to help you grow, you can decide what you need to see.

Open Opportunities have a rich history of opening up government data worldwide. We are dedicated to continually expanding our data and introducing new features.

We typically add at least three new sources every month and are committed to adding more every month.

Customers are eligible for a 7 day free trial. We won't ask you for your credit card details and you'll get access to all of our data, allowing you to explore our data and test our search capabilities. 

Our plans can be paid in advance by either card or by invoice.

Our skilled researchers are on hand to help. We provide help to on-board you and we're always on hand to help you set up your searches correctly

When you sign up our founder gives you his personal mobile number, so you can call him if you ever need a problem fixed. Our team are dedicated to helping you win new business.